Justin Bieber backs Nordoff Robins' 2016 Christmas Appeal
OHMYGOSSIP — Justin Bieber has backed Nordoff Robins’ 2016 Christmas Appeal.
The 22-year-old pop superstar has reached out in support of the UK’s leading music therapy charity after one of his biggest fan’s Evie put her recovery down to listening to songs by the ‘Sorry’ hitmaker.
In particular, the 17-year-old Belieber found the pop hunk’s single ‘Purpose’ the most impactful and as a result, the charity – which is dedicated to changing the lives of the vulnerable and isolated – has dedicated its 2016 Christmas Appeal to the power of that song and #EviesStory in an animated film, which documents the teenager’s journey with music therapy following brain tumour surgery.
Evie, who has always been a passionate and talented singer, said: “The first time I met Bev [Rayner, Nordoff Robins music therapist], my music therapist, I felt a connection. We talked about the music I liked, and we incorporated some Justin Bieber into my sessions; Bev would play the keyboard and we would sing. It wasn’t easy, but I grew in confidence, I just appreciated the chance to do something I loved one on one, away from all the treatments and doctors – it was my escape and a place where I could be ‘me’ again.”
The operation left Evie partially paralysed and unable to walk and nerve damage dramatically changed her voice.
However, with the help of rehab and music therapy, Evie was not only able to sing again in front of an audience but she was able to walk again.
Evie added: “It was the very first time my mum heard me sing again since the surgery. It was such a special moment and lost in the music I found the strength to push forward, and I stood again for the first time in that session.”
It’s not the first time Bieber has publicly supported a British charity.
Last year he tweeted a link to his 71.9 million followers to download a charity single ‘A Bridge Over You’ – a mash up cover of the 1970 Simon and Garfunkel classic ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ and Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ – by a choir made up of NHS staff.
The single aimed to raise funds for Carer’s UK and Mind charities.
At the time he wrote: “I’m hearing this UK Christmas race is close…but the @Choir_NHS single is for charity. So for 1 week it’s ok not to be #1. Let’s do the right thing & help them win. It’s Christmas. @Choir_NHS good luck http://www.nhsno1.com/download (sic)”
With the pop star’s help, the single went on to beat his song to number one in the UK charts.
Visit www.nordoff-robbins.org.uk to find out more about #EviesStory and how you can support Nordoff Robbins this Christmas.
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