Janne Saar: A few tips for staying positive

“In my Decembers blog I wanna talk about how to stay positive. I think it’s one of the most important things in life. Reaching that positive mindset and staying there is not always easy. I think it’s extremely hard when you live in a colder and darker climate,” singer, song writer and artist Janne Saar writes on her PlanetJanne blog.
“No matter what happens always try to stay in that positive mindset. If your thoughts are not letting you relax find a way to distract yourself. Positive distraction like working out, cooking, spending time with friends, family. Here is my list of things that help me to always stay positive.”
Nr 1 – Meditation
It makes such a big difference in your life. Every time you meditate you open yourself up to receive more positive energy. You feel very peaceful. If you haven’t figured you’re life purpose out then it also helps with that. Every time I have to make a difficult decision I clear my mind first. I want my soul to take the lead and make the decisions not my mind.
Nr 2 – Exercise
At least few times a week. There’s not much we can do without our health. Having a strong healthy body makes you feel good no matter what’s going on. I love doing yoga and running. If you don’t have time to work out stop finding excuses. There’s 168 hours in one week. If you spend 3 hours in a week that’s already enough to see and feel different. Find something that’s fun and you enjoy doing.
Nr 3 – Food
Eating healthy has a very big effect on our mood as well . I like to know whats in my food and for these reasons I cook a lot. Most food I eat is organic. I’m supper happy if I get the food straight from the farmer. I also love smoothies and always have some type of superfood in my menu. Goji berrys and chia seeds are my favorite.
Nr 4 – Information
What do you read? Who do you talk to? What do you watch on tv? All the information you receive during the day. It effects You a lot. This is my personal choice but I don’t watch tv or read any news. I don’t get any good vibes from there so I don’t wanna waist my time like that. I do love watching documentaries and learning new things. The last cool documentary I saw was about a boy who meditated 10 months without water or food.

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