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Sophie Dahl and Jamie Cullum expecting first child together

Jamie Cullum and Sophie Dahl will soon be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet! The couple — who tied the knot in January — are expecting their first child together, they confirmed in a statement to Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper.

“In response to a number of recent inquiries, Jamie Cullum and Sophie Dahl are delighted to confirm that Sophie is four months pregnant,” the statement said.

“There will be no further comment at this time.”

Singer Jamie and former model Sophie — the granddaughter of late children’s writer Roald Dahl — met at a charity event three years ago, and their engagement was made public in April 2009 after Sophie was spotted wearing an engagement ring at a party.

“We hit it off immediately,” Jamie has said of the day he met Sophie. “But someone like me never entertains the idea of going after someone like her, so I didn’t.

“I couldn’t assume she would be interested in me — but it worked! Lucky old me — it turned out to be much more.”

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Jamie CullumSophie Dahl


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