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Katie Couric: I’ve had terrible dates

OHMYGOSSIP — Katie Couric has had disastrous dates! The TV star admits she’s gone to dinner with more than her fair share of unsuitable potential boyfriends.

“I have had dates where we didn’t click,” Couric said in an interview with the new issue of More magazine.

“I once went out with a heart-transplant surgeon who talked about valves the whole night. But I appreciate that it’s not easy to go out on a date with someone like me.

“Also, when you get to my age, everyone is a bit wounded. So I think it’s important to handle people with care-not to think, ‘Oh, what a terrible date,’ but just, ‘This person isn’t for me.” Everyone has a lot of baggage. It’s just can you fit it into the overhead bin?

“It’s actually surprising to me that it has been almost 15 years and I haven’t remarried. I think life is more fun when you have someone in your life. And I always wanted a father figure for my daughters, but it hasn’t worked out that way. I’ve had long-term relationships, but they haven’t turned into life-long partners.”

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