Miss Earth Tanzania 2012 Bahati Chando: I have managed to accomplish most of my goals through patience
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OHMYGOSSIP — Miss Earth 2012, the 12th edition of the Miss Earth pageant, will take place on November 24, 2012 at the Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, Philippines. The pageant will be broadcasted live on Star World at 8:00 p.m. and will be shown on November 25, 2012, 10:00 a.m. on ABS-CBN, TFC-The Filipino Channel, and also on channels of participating counties worldwide.
Miss Earth Tanzania 2012 Bahati Chando‘s interview for MissEarth.tv
What environmental project will you create to promote the protection of Mother Earth and why?
A campaign against the use of plastic bags and to encourage the recycling of paper bags, an awareness campaign in households on proper garbage disposal and a campaign to invite tourists to visit destinations like the Ngorongoro crater, in order to raise awareness of the importance of preserving such environment and wildlife against deforestation and poaching, and that our fellowmen may appreciate the vast amount of resources we have.
What makes you proud of your country and what can you promote about it?
I’m proud of the ‘peace’ we have achieved in our country and I believe we can bring this peace to the neighboring countries. Tanzania has over 120 ethnic tribes, a mixture of cultures and religion but despite the diversity it is one of the most peaceful nations in Africa blessed with abundant natural resources and wildlife. It makes me proud to say that I come from a land of loving people. Tanzania is the only place on planet earth where one can find Tanzanite, a gemstone which is said to be 1000 times more rare than diamonds. The Ngorongoro Crater (the largest intact Caldera in the world) which is part of the Ngorongoro conservation area is one of the wonders of the nature. Some of the famous national parks and game reserves in Tanazanian is the Serengeti National Park and Saadani National park – which was declared as a game reserve in the year 2002 and is maintained by the WWF. It is the only reserve in East Africa with the Indian Ocean as one of its boundaries. Wild animals can be seen basking in the sun along the Indian ocean shores. I would love to invite you all to Tanzania to witness mother nature at its best and the inherited culture of my forefathers which I am also proud of. With sufficient investment and proper knowledge we can transform our vast resources wisely and benefit our country.
Describe your childhood/growing years:
My childhood was different from most Tanzanians since I spent it in Ethiopia learning a new culture, language and values. I lived in an environment that kept me grounded to my roots. I grew very close to my mother and she became the most influential person in my life. I hang out with older friends and I get into trouble every other day since I was a very mischievous child. However, I did manage to be the perfect little girl my mom expected me to be. My teenage years were my happiest and most treasured years because I made a lot of new friends. And even though I have moved back to my homeland, my best friends are still the ones based in Ethiopia.
What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?
My principles in life were established during my childhood. My mother has been a role model to many. She taught me about women’s values and how to be independent. I have managed to accomplish most of my goals through patience, hard work and the family values that I have been taught. Lastly, I have learned to love life and share a smile with everyone.
What is your most memorable moment?
The most memorable moment of my life was the year I turned 14 at my very first house party attended by high school students. It was like my pre-sweet sixteen birthday celebration. However, since it was a secret house party I had to get my mother out of the house and this got me into trouble with her after. Despite my irresponsibility my mother forgave me and we reconciled. This event has made me realize that my mother will always be there for me and give me the guidance I need.
What is your environmental advocacy and why did you choose it?
In the city of Dar es Salaam, misuse of plastic bags and the mismanagement of solid and liquid waste have become an issue which the municipal council are trying hard to resolve. Therefore, my advocacy is to address this issue throughout the country by replacing plastic bags with recycled paper bags and generate funds to provide better toilets to manage liquid waste properly I chose this advocacy because plastic bags pose a threat to livestock since they are not biodegradable. Cattle have died by eating these bags. I also chose to address the proper management of liquid waste because it is the source of water pollution and many diseases such as Cholera and Malaria.
What tip can you share to promote sustainable energy for all?
My tip to promote sustainable energy is to conserve water and electricity in our homes and workplaces. Shorten your shower period by cutting off just two minutes from your shower time to save water. Put your computer in “energy saving mode” to minimize energy consumption. Switch off your computer screen when you are away from your desktop to conserve more energy than just letting the screen saver run. Turn your computer off when not in use to save 25% from your annual energy bill. Put your television on standby mode to conserve more electricity than leaving it switched on when no one’s watching. Put a lid on pots and turn down the heat when the water boils to shorten boiling time and reduce energy consumption. For short trips just walk or bike instead of using cars.
Other information that you would like to share with the Miss Earth Management:
Einstein once said, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge, For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.’ George Savile said, ‘A man who is master of patience is a master of everything else’. I would like to combine the use of imagination and the virtue of patience with hard work to project a positive image of myself at the Miss Earth pageant and achieve the goals I have in life. If we give our best at everything we do anything can be achieved. I would also love to see the beautiful places in the Philippines. It will be my first time to visit an archipelago and I look forward to learn your rich culture.
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Miss Earth Tanzania 2012 Bahati Chando 
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