Lindsay Lohan to remain in California for Christmas
Lindsay Lohan will remain in California for Christmas. The troubled actress — who is undergoing court-ordered drug rehabilitation treatment at the Betty Ford Center in Malibu until early January — may receive a day pass to leave the facility for the big day, but won’t be allowed to travel, much to the annoyance of her mother Dina who wanted her to be in New York with the rest of her family.
“Dina wants Lindsay to go home to Long Island for Christmas, but that won’t be happening. Judge Elden Fox was very clear with his order that he wanted her to stay in rehab until after New Year’s,” a source said.
“Lindsay won’t be allowed to leave the state of California for Christmas — period. It was never a consideration for Thanksgiving and it won’t be for Christmas. Dina wants her home, but her dad Michael is supporting whatever Lindsay’s treatment team is recommending.”
While Michael — who recently reconciled with his daughter following months of estrangement — is happy to spend the festive season in California to be close to the actress if she is given a day pass to leave the clinic on Christmas Day, his ex-wife Dina has reportedly been resistant to the plan.
“Dina hasn’t agreed to be anywhere under the same roof with Michael. Lindsay’s counselors recognize that family is very important to Lindsay and they are really hoping to get the entire family under one roof for some much needed family therapy,” the source said. “Michael has agreed to do it. So far, nothing from Dina indicating she is even considering it.”
Lindsay, 24, has impressed staff at the treatment center with her willingness to comply with their program and they are hopeful even the stresses of the festive season won’t disrupt her recovery.
“The holidays can be a cause for concern with all of the angst, forced familial time and dealing with recovery. Mix in parents that don’t get along and Lindsay is going to be tested – and that isn’t a bad thing,” the insider added.
“Lindsay recognizes how blessed she is to be given this amazing opportunity to get and stay sober.”

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