READ, why the birch water is good for your health, what does it contain and how could it help you

OHMYGOSSIP – Right now is the right time to collect the birch juice! Birch water is good for spring’s detox and helps to energise the body. The birch juice gets rid of the unnecessary toxins and at the same time contains essential vitamins and minerals which give you more power and energy.
What is the birch water about?
The birch water is water that the birch roots resorb from the ground, push along the caudex and where the nutrients set aside last summer combined into new nutrients reach the branches as buds. For the buds to turn into leaves. Tapping the birch water human directs one part aside. Different trees give a water of different sweetness.
The birch water contains: water, glucose, fructose, vitamins (C, PP, carotene), plant-based hormones, saponins, sugars, apple acid, protein, iron, phosphor, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, aromas. The nutrients in birch water are easily absorbed by the human body, our body can use the nutrients effectively.
In folk medicine birch water is known as an effective kidney’s helper. Spring detox cures are recommended for rheumatism, podagra or muscle tension. In folk medicine birch water has aided for numerous health issues: fights fatigue and stress refreshing, fights the sense of hunger eases headaches excretes excessive salts and energises kidneys’ work alleviates podagra, rheumatism and edemas speeds up the metabolism and fights cellulite.
Pay attention if you have kidney or bladder stone:
Drinking the birch water should be started with small portions, not more than one glass at a time as birch water includes nutrients which dissolve stones developed from phosphate or carbon salts and the body might have a strong reaction to that.
Birch water is also a helpful cosmetic tool: Your skin gets softer and clearer when you wash your face with birch water, your hair (especially when you add a few drops of vinegar to the water) become silky.
It is important to conserve the juice in a dark and a cold place. With light the juice will quickly become foggy. In fridge the birch water will stay fresh up to a week. The birch can be tapped for water only for a few weeks but the water detox is recommended to do for a longer time. The birch water can be kept in a freezer.
Photos: OHMYGOSSIP/Helena-Reet Ennet

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